MJML with Freemarker: A Dynamic Duo for Email Template Generation
Image by Estefan - hkhazo.biz.id

MJML with Freemarker: A Dynamic Duo for Email Template Generation

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Are you tired of wrestling with HTML tables and inline styles to create responsive email templates? Do you wish there was a way to separate your presentation layer from your business logic? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the powerful combination of MJML and Freemarker, a match made in heaven for generating dynamic email templates.

What is MJML?

MJML (Mailjet Markup Language) is a lightweight, open-source markup language designed specifically for generating responsive email templates. It’s a declarative language that abstracts away the complexity of HTML and CSS, making it easy to create beautiful, mobile-friendly emails without sacrificing design or usability.

Example MJML code:

        Hello, World!

What is Freemarker?

Freemarker is a popular, open-source templating engine that allows you to separate your presentation layer from your business logic. It’s a template engine that enables you to generate dynamic content by injecting data into templates, making it an ideal choice for generating emails.

Example Freemarker code:

<#assign name = "John Doe">
<p>Hello, ${name}!</p>

Why MJML with Freemarker?

  • Separation of Concerns: By using MJML for layout and design, and Freemarker for data injection, you can maintain a clean separation of concerns between your presentation layer and business logic.
  • Faster Development: MJML’s declarative syntax and Freemarker’s templating capabilities enable rapid development and prototyping of email templates.
  • Improved Readability: MJML’s concise syntax and Freemarker’s syntax highlighting make your code more readable and maintainable.

Setting up MJML with Freemarker

To get started with MJML and Freemarker, you’ll need to install the necessary dependencies and configure your environment. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install the MJML compiler using npm or yarn:
    npm install --save mjml or yarn add mjml
  2. Install the Freemarker template engine using Maven or Gradle:
    mvn install freemarker or gradle install freemarker
  3. Create a new Java class to handle Freemarker configuration and data injection:
    public class FreemarkerConfig { ... }
  4. Create an MJML template file (e.g., `template.mjml`) and populate it with MJML markup.
  5. Create a Freemarker template file (e.g., `template.ftl`) and populate it with Freemarker syntax.

Generating Dynamic Email Templates with MJML and Freemarker

Now that you’ve set up your environment, let’s create a simple email template that demonstrates the power of MJML and Freemarker. We’ll create a template that displays the user’s name and a personalized message.

Example MJML template:

        <mj-text>Hello, ${name}!</mj-text>
        <mj-text>Your personalized message: ${message}</mj-text>

Example Freemarker template:

<#assign name = "John Doe">
<#assign message = "Welcome to our newsletter!">

        <mj-text>Hello, ${name}!</mj-text>
        <mj-text>Your personalized message: ${message}</mj-text>

In the Freemarker template, we’ve assigned values to the `name` and `message` variables. When we inject these values into the MJML template, Freemarker replaces the placeholders with the actual values, generating a dynamic email template.

Advantages of Using MJML with Freemarker

The combination of MJML and Freemarker offers several advantages, including:

Advantage Description
Faster Development MJML’s declarative syntax and Freemarker’s templating capabilities enable rapid development and prototyping of email templates.
Improved Readability MJML’s concise syntax and Freemarker’s syntax highlighting make your code more readable and maintainable.
Separation of Concerns By using MJML for layout and design, and Freemarker for data injection, you can maintain a clean separation of concerns between your presentation layer and business logic.
Dynamic Content Freemarker’s templating engine enables you to inject dynamic data into your email templates, making them more personalized and engaging.


In this article, we’ve explored the powerful combination of MJML and Freemarker for generating dynamic email templates. By leveraging the strengths of both technologies, you can create responsive, mobile-friendly emails that are easy to maintain and update. Whether you’re building a newsletter, promotional email, or transactional email, MJML with Freemarker is an ideal choice for any email templating needs.

Get started with MJML and Freemarker today and take your email templates to the next level! 🚀

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “MJML with Freemarker” and is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to using these technologies together.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of MJML with Freemarker! Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started.

What is MJML, and how does it relate to Freemarker?

MJML (Mailjet Markup Language) is a markup language used to generate responsive email templates. Freemarker is a template engine that allows you to generate dynamic content. When combined, MJML and Freemarker enable you to create customizable, responsive, and dynamic email templates with ease!

How do I integrate MJML with Freemarker in my project?

To integrate MJML with Freemarker, you’ll need to install the MJML plugin for Freemarker and configure it according to your project’s requirements. You can find detailed instructions in the official MJML documentation or through online tutorials specifically designed for your project’s framework.

Can I use MJML with Freemarker to generate non-email templates?

While MJML is primarily designed for email templates, it’s not limited to email templates alone. You can use MJML with Freemarker to generate any type of template that requires responsive design and dynamic content. However, keep in mind that MJML’s core strength lies in its email-centric features, so you may need to adapt or extend it to fit your specific use case.

How do I troubleshoot MJML template rendering issues in Freemarker?

When troubleshooting MJML template rendering issues in Freemarker, start by checking your MJML syntax, Freemarker configuration, and data models. Use tools like the MJML playground or Freemarker’s built-in debugging features to identify and resolve issues. You can also seek help from the MJML and Freemarker communities or online forums.

Are there any best practices for coding MJML templates with Freemarker?

Yes! Follow best practices such as keeping your MJML templates modular, using meaningful variable names, and commenting your code. Also, take advantage of Freemarker’s built-in functions and macros to simplify your code and improve performance. Finally, test your templates thoroughly to ensure they render correctly across different email clients and devices.

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