Unleashing the Power of @apply: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Tailwind’s Directive with Styles Defined in JS
Image by Estefan - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of @apply: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Tailwind’s Directive with Styles Defined in JS

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Are you tired of writing repetitive CSS code only to end up with a bloated stylesheet? Do you want to take your Tailwind CSS skills to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of @apply and show you how to harness its power with styles defined in JavaScript.

What is @apply and Why Should I Care?

The @apply directive is a game-changer in Tailwind CSS. It allows you to extract a set of styles from a utility class and apply them directly to a custom component or element. This means you can write more concise, modular, and reusable code, making your development process faster and more efficient.

With @apply, you can:

  • Extract styles from existing utility classes
  • Create custom components with unique designs
  • Reduce CSS bloat and improve performance
  • Write more modular and reusable code

Preparing Your Project for @apply

Before we dive into the meat of things, make sure you have the following setup:

  1. tailwindcss installed as a dev dependency in your project
  2. A basic understanding of Tailwind CSS and its utility-first approach
  3. A JavaScript file (e.g., styles.js) where you’ll define your custom styles

Defining Styles in JavaScript

In your styles.js file, create an object that contains your custom styles. For example:

export const customStyles = {
  container: {
    maxWidth: '1200px',
    margin: '0 auto',
    padding: '2rem',
  button: {
    backgroundColor: 'tomato',
    color: 'white',
    padding: '1rem 2rem',
    borderRadius: '0.5rem',

In this example, we’ve defined two styles: container and button. These styles can be applied to any HTML element using the @apply directive.

Using @apply with Styles Defined in JS

Now that we have our custom styles defined, let’s apply them to some HTML elements using @apply.

Example 1: Applying a Single Style

Suppose we want to apply the container style to a <div> element:

<div class="@apply customStyles.container">
  <!-- Your content here -->

The resulting HTML element will have the styles defined in the container object applied to it.

Example 2: Applying Multiple Styles

What if we want to apply both the container and button styles to a single element?

<button class="@apply customStyles.container customStyles.button">
  Click me!

In this example, the resulting <button> element will have both the container and button styles applied to it.

Benefits of Using @apply with Styles Defined in JS

By using @apply with styles defined in JavaScript, you can:

  • Keep your CSS files organized and lean
  • Write more modular and reusable code
  • Reduce CSS bloat and improve performance
  • Make your development process faster and more efficient

Common Use Cases for @apply

@apply can be used in a variety of scenarios, including:

Use Case Example
Custom components Creating a custom <Button> component with a unique design
Theme-specific styles Defining styles for a dark mode or accessibility theme
Utility-first approach Extracting styles from existing utility classes and applying them to custom elements


In this article, we’ve explored the power of @apply and how to use it with styles defined in JavaScript. By following these guidelines, you can take your Tailwind CSS skills to the next level and write more efficient, modular, and reusable code.

Remember, @apply is a powerful tool that can help you:

  • Extract styles from existing utility classes
  • Create custom components with unique designs
  • Reduce CSS bloat and improve performance
  • Write more modular and reusable code

Start unleashing the power of @apply in your projects today and take your front-end development skills to new heights!

Happy coding!

Here is the FAQ about “How to use @apply Tailwind directive with styles defined in JS” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about using the @apply Tailwind directive with styles defined in JavaScript!

How do I use the @apply directive with styles defined in a JavaScript file?

You can use the @apply directive with styles defined in a JavaScript file by importing the styles object into your CSS file and then using the @apply directive to apply the styles to a specific class or element. For example, if you have a styles object defined in a JavaScript file called `styles.js`: `const styles = { container: ‘max-w-md mx-auto pt-4 pb-8’ };` You can then import this object into your CSS file and use the @apply directive like this: `@import ‘./styles’; .container { @apply ${styles.container}; }`

Can I use the @apply directive with styles defined in a separate JavaScript module?

Yes, you can use the @apply directive with styles defined in a separate JavaScript module. You’ll need to import the module into your CSS file using the `@import` statement, and then use the @apply directive to apply the styles to a specific class or element. For example, if you have a JavaScript module called `styles.js` that exports a styles object: `export const styles = { container: ‘max-w-md mx-auto pt-4 pb-8’ };` You can then import this module into your CSS file and use the @apply directive like this: `@import ‘./styles’; .container { @apply ${styles.container}; }`

How do I pass variables to the @apply directive when using styles defined in a JavaScript file?

When using the @apply directive with styles defined in a JavaScript file, you can pass variables to the directive by using template literals. For example, if you have a styles object defined in a JavaScript file called `styles.js`: `const styles = (theme) => ({ container: `max-w-md mx-auto pt-4 pb-8 ${theme.background}` });` You can then import this object into your CSS file and use the @apply directive with a variable like this: `@import ‘./styles’; .container { @apply ${styles({ theme: ‘dark’ }).container}; }`

Can I use the @apply directive with conditional styles defined in a JavaScript file?

Yes, you can use the @apply directive with conditional styles defined in a JavaScript file. You can use JavaScript conditional statements to determine which styles to apply based on certain conditions. For example, if you have a styles object defined in a JavaScript file called `styles.js`: `const styles = (theme) => ({ container: theme === ‘dark’ ? ‘bg-gray-800’ : ‘bg-gray-200’ });` You can then import this object into your CSS file and use the @apply directive with a conditional statement like this: `@import ‘./styles’; .container { @apply ${styles({ theme: ‘dark’ }).container}; }`

Are there any performance considerations when using the @apply directive with styles defined in a JavaScript file?

Yes, there are performance considerations when using the @apply directive with styles defined in a JavaScript file. Because the styles are defined in a JavaScript file, they need to be executed at runtime, which can impact performance. To mitigate this, you can use techniques such as code splitting, lazy loading, and tree shaking to ensure that only the necessary styles are loaded. Additionally, you can use a CSS-in-JS solution like styled components or emotion to optimize the performance of your styles.