Spring Boot 3.3.1: The Mysterious Case of Ignored `schema.sql` and `data.sql` Files
Image by Estefan - hkhazo.biz.id

Spring Boot 3.3.1: The Mysterious Case of Ignored `schema.sql` and `data.sql` Files

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Are you tired of wasting hours trying to figure out why Spring Boot 3.3.1 refuses to execute your `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files during startup? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the mystery behind this annoying issue and provide you with clear, step-by-step solutions to get your database up and running in no time.

What’s the problem, anyway?

When you create a new Spring Boot project, you expect that adding `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files to your classpath will automatically execute them during startup, creating your database schema and populating it with data. However, with Spring Boot 3.3.1, this doesn’t seem to be the case. It’s as if these files are being completely ignored!

But why?!

The reason behind this issue lies in the way Spring Boot 3.3.1 handles database initialization. By default, Spring Boot uses the `spring.datasource.initialization-mode` property, which is set to `embedded` in version 3.3.1. This property determines how the database is initialized when the application starts.

In `embedded` mode, Spring Boot uses an embedded database (such as H2 or Derby) to initialize the database. This means that the `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files are not executed, as the embedded database takes precedence.

Solution 1: Switch to `always` mode

The simplest way to resolve this issue is to switch the `spring.datasource.initialization-mode` property to `always`. This will force Spring Boot to execute the `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files during startup, regardless of whether an embedded database is present or not.

    initialization-mode: always

By setting this property, you’re telling Spring Boot to always execute the SQL scripts, even if an embedded database is present.

Solution 2: Use a non-embedded database

Another approach is to use a non-embedded database, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. In this case, you’ll need to configure the database connection properties in your `application.properties` file.

    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
    username: myuser
    password: mypass

By using a non-embedded database, Spring Boot will automatically execute the `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files during startup.

Solution 3: Use a custom database initializer

If you need more control over the database initialization process, you can create a custom database initializer. This involves creating a new class that implements the `DataSourceInitializer` interface and overrides the `initialize` method.

public class CustomDatabaseInitializer implements DataSourceInitializer {

    public void initialize(Database database) {
        // Execute your custom SQL scripts here
        String[] scripts = {"classpath:schema.sql", "classpath:data.sql"};
        for (String script : scripts) {

In this example, the `CustomDatabaseInitializer` class executes the `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files during startup. You can customize this class to fit your specific needs.

Troubleshooting Tips

Still having issues? Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the problem:

  • Make sure your `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files are in the correct location (usually in the `src/main/resources` directory).
  • Verify that your database connection properties are correctly configured in the `application.properties` file.
  • Check the Spring Boot logs for any errors or warnings related to database initialization.
  • Try setting the `spring.datasource.initialization-mode` property to `debug` to get more detailed logs.


In conclusion, the mysterious case of ignored `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files during Spring Boot 3.3.1 startup can be resolved by switching to `always` mode, using a non-embedded database, or creating a custom database initializer. By following these solutions and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to get your database up and running in no time.

Remember, when it comes to Spring Boot, it’s all about configuration and customization. With a little creativity and persistence, you can overcome even the most frustrating issues.

Solution Description
Switch to `always` mode Force Spring Boot to execute `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files during startup.
Use a non-embedded database Configure a non-embedded database and Spring Boot will execute the SQL scripts.
Create a custom database initializer Implement a custom `DataSourceInitializer` to execute custom SQL scripts.

We hope this article has helped you resolve the issue and get your Spring Boot application up and running smoothly. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with Spring Boot 3.3.1 ignoring your `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files during startup? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why is Spring Boot 3.3.1 ignoring my `schema.sql` file?

This might happen if you’re using Spring Boot 3.3.1 with Hibernate 5.6.9 or later, as Hibernate has changed its default behavior to not execute `schema.sql` files by default. You can enable it by setting `spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto` to `create` or `create-drop` in your application.properties file.

What about `data.sql`? Why isn’t it being executed during startup?

Unlike `schema.sql`, `data.sql` is only executed when the `spring.datasource.initialization-mode` property is set to `always` in your application.properties file. Make sure to add this property to enable the execution of `data.sql` during startup.

How do I configure the location of my `schema.sql` and `data.sql` files?

You can specify the location of your SQL files using the `spring.datasource.schema` and `spring.datasource.data` properties in your application.properties file. For example, `spring.datasource.schema=classpath:sql/schema.sql` and `spring.datasource.data=classpath:sql/data.sql`.

Can I use a custom database initializer?

Yes, you can create a custom database initializer by implementing the `org.springframework.context.jdbc.DataSourceInitializer` interface and registering it as a Spring bean. This allows you to have more control over the database initialization process.

What if I’m using a non-standard database dialect?

If you’re using a non-standard database dialect, you might need to specify the dialect explicitly using the `spring.jpa.database-platform` property in your application.properties file. This will ensure that the correct dialect is used for database initialization.