How do I determine if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type?
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How do I determine if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type?

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Are you tired of getting stuck in the wilderness of object types and wondering if a class’s name is lurking in a mapped object type as a key? Fear not, dear developer! In this epic journey, we’ll embark on a quest to unravel the mystery of determining if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type.

The Problem Statement

Imagine you’re working on a project where you have a mapped object type, and you need to determine if a specific class’s name is present as a key in that object. Sounds simple, right? But, what if the object type is complex, and you’re not sure how to navigate it? That’s where this article comes to the rescue!

Scenario 1: Using the `in` Operator

Lets start with the most straightforward approach. Suppose you have an object type like this:

type MyMappedObjectType = {
  [key: string]: MyClass | AnotherClass;

You can use the `in` operator to check if a class’s name exists as a key in the object type:

const MyClass = class {};

type MyMappedObjectType = {
  [key: string]: MyClass | AnotherClass;

const myObject: MyMappedObjectType = {
  'MyClass': new MyClass(),
  'AnotherClass': new AnotherClass(),

if ('MyClass' in myObject) {
  console.log('MyClass exists as a key in the object!');
} else {
  console.log('MyClass does not exist as a key in the object.');

This approach is nice and simple, but what if the object type is more complex, and you need to traverse it recursively?

Scenario 2: Using Recursion

Let’s take it up a notch! Suppose your object type has nested properties, and you need to check if a class’s name exists as a key anywhere in the object:

type MyMappedObjectType = {
  [key: string]: MyClass | AnotherClass | MyNestedObjectType;

type MyNestedObjectType = {
  [key: string]: MyClass | AnotherClass;

You can create a recursive function to traverse the object type and check for the existence of the class’s name as a key:

function checkForKey(obj: MyMappedObjectType, key: string): boolean {
  for (const prop in obj) {
    if (prop === key) {
      return true;
    } else if (typeof obj[prop] === 'object') {
      return checkForKey(obj[prop], key);
  return false;

const MyClass = class {};
const myObject: MyMappedObjectType = {
  'MyClass': new MyClass(),
  'AnotherClass': new AnotherClass(),
  'nestedObject': {
    'MyClass': new MyClass(),
    'AnotherClass': new AnotherClass(),

if (checkForKey(myObject, 'MyClass')) {
  console.log('MyClass exists as a key in the object!');
} else {
  console.log('MyClass does not exist as a key in the object.');

This approach is more robust, but what if you’re dealing with a massive object type, and performance is a concern?

Scenario 3: Using Object.keys() and Array.prototype.includes()

Let’s optimize our approach! Instead of recursively traversing the object type, we can use `Object.keys()` to get an array of keys and then use `Array.prototype.includes()` to check if the class’s name exists in the array:

function checkForKey(obj: MyMappedObjectType, key: string): boolean {
  return Object.keys(obj).includes(key) || Object.values(obj).some(value => {
    if (typeof value === 'object') {
      return checkForKey(value, key);
    return false;

const MyClass = class {};
const myObject: MyMappedObjectType = {
  'MyClass': new MyClass(),
  'AnotherClass': new AnotherClass(),
  'nestedObject': {
    'MyClass': new MyClass(),
    'AnotherClass': new AnotherClass(),

if (checkForKey(myObject, 'MyClass')) {
  console.log('MyClass exists as a key in the object!');
} else {
  console.log('MyClass does not exist as a key in the object.');

This approach is more efficient, but what if you’re working with a type that has a Union type as its value?

Scenario 4: Using Type Guards

Let’s tackle the Union type beast! Suppose your object type has a Union type as its value, and you need to narrow the type to check if a class’s name exists as a key:

type MyMappedObjectType = {
  [key: string]: MyClass | AnotherClass | null;

You can create a type guard to narrow the type and then check if the class’s name exists as a key:

function isMyClass(val: MyClass | AnotherClass | null): val is MyClass {
  return val instanceof MyClass;

function checkForKey(obj: MyMappedObjectType, key: string): boolean {
  for (const prop in obj) {
    if (prop === key) {
      if (isMyClass(obj[prop])) {
        return true;
  return false;

const MyClass = class {};
const myObject: MyMappedObjectType = {
  'MyClass': new MyClass(),
  'AnotherClass': new AnotherClass(),
  'nullValue': null,

if (checkForKey(myObject, 'MyClass')) {
  console.log('MyClass exists as a key in the object!');
} else {
  console.log('MyClass does not exist as a key in the object.');

And there you have it! Four scenarios to help you determine if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type. Each scenario tackles a unique challenge, and you can pick the one that best fits your use case.


In conclusion, determining if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type can be a complex task, but with the right approaches, you can conquer it! Whether you’re dealing with simple object types or complex Union types, this article has provided you with the tools to navigate the wilderness of object types and find the treasure you’re looking for.

Scenario Description
Scenario 1: Using the `in` Operator Check if a class’s name exists as a key in a simple object type using the `in` operator.
Scenario 2: Using Recursion Traverse a nested object type recursively to check if a class’s name exists as a key.
Scenario 3: Using Object.keys() and Array.prototype.includes() Use `Object.keys()` and `Array.prototype.includes()` to check if a class’s name exists as a key in an object type, optimized for performance.
Scenario 4: Using Type Guards Narrow the type of a Union type and check if a class’s name exists as a key using type guards.

So, the next time you’re faced with the question, “How do I determine if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type?”, you’ll know exactly what to do!

  • Choose the scenario that best fits your use case.
  • Implement the solution with confidence.
  • Conquer the wilderness of object types!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of navigating mapped object types with ease!

How do I determine if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type?

You can use the `in` keyword to check if a class’s name exists as a key in a mapped object type. For example, `if ‘MyClass’ in myMappedObject: print(“Key exists!”)`. This will return a boolean value indicating whether the key exists or not.

What if I want to check if a class itself exists as a value in the mapped object?

In that case, you can use the `in` keyword along with the `.values()` method of the mapped object. For example, `if MyClass in myMappedObject.values(): print(“Value exists!”)`. This will check if the class itself is present as a value in the mapped object.

How do I retrieve the value associated with a class’s name key in a mapped object?

You can use the square bracket notation to retrieve the value associated with a class’s name key. For example, `myValue = myMappedObject[‘MyClass’]`. This will retrieve the value associated with the key ‘MyClass’ in the mapped object.

What if the class’s name key does not exist in the mapped object?

If the class’s name key does not exist in the mapped object, using the square bracket notation will raise a `KeyError`. To avoid this, you can use the `.get()` method, which returns `None` if the key is not present. For example, `myValue = myMappedObject.get(‘MyClass’)`.

Can I use a default value if the class’s name key does not exist in the mapped object?

Yes, you can! The `.get()` method allows you to specify a default value if the key is not present. For example, `myValue = myMappedObject.get(‘MyClass’, ‘Default Value’)`. If the key ‘MyClass’ is not present, `myValue` will be set to ‘Default Value’.